Allow us to introduce ourselves
MAHRC is a group made up of all regulated health professions in Manitoba.
Our mission is to advance best practices in health regulation in Manitoba.
A little about health regulators

What are health regulatory colleges?
Health regulatory colleges license most health-care professionals. We do this to protect you, the public.
How do regulatory colleges work?
Colleges are responsible for setting and enforcing standards, or rules, for their profession. Each college has a council which includes members of the public and of the profession. The council oversees and is accountable for the college’s activities. This is called self-regulation. Self-regulation is a privilege granted by government. It acknowledges that a profession is in the best position to regulate itself because of its specialized body of knowledge.
This is what we are all about
Our Goal is Safe, Quality Health Care
You can expect safe, competent and ethical care from your regulated health professional.
Each college sets rules for education, registration and practice expectations, supports their members in meeting those requirements and takes appropriate action if issues arise.
If you have a concern
If you have a concern about the care you’ve received by a health professional, contact the appropriate regulatory body.
Find a Health Regulatory College